We are looking to develop whole individuals who thrive academically, spiritually, emotionally, and socially with God being the center of all subjects.
Train up a child in the way he should go;
even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Worship is a time for the children to focus their hearts and attention upon the Lord. This can be achieved through praise, prayer, or Scripture reading. We do follow weekly Bible themes, in which key elements of Bible stories are aught to the chidlren.
A gathering of all students, directed by the lead teacher to instruct on key curriculum including academic elements, teacher/student connection, student/student connection, as well as cororate social and spiritual growth.
This is a time for the children to engage in creative play or educational play. This is also a time for the teacher to work with students individually who may be struggling academically or to engage with students who are more academically advance .
Snack is mot only great to refuel and recharge, but it is also a great time to build relationship with each other and to reinforce/learn basic life skills. (How to clean up after yourself, follow instruction, communicate respectfully to peers/adults, etc.)
Each class has at minimum a 30-minute time during their day in which the teacher monitors students on the playground. Students build their gross motor skills through skipping , climbing, running, hopping, kicking, etc.