
Parent's Information


Welcome Parents, to the Yuong Sang Academy (YSA) family! This page is here to help provide guidance and understanding of some procedure we do here at YSA.  On this page we will discuss about discipline, emergencies, and health.  All of these sections applies to EVERY class (Blue, Red, and Green).  We hope that this page will give answers and assurance that your child is in safe hands here at YSA.  If you have anymore questions please feel free to contact us either through email ( or Phone (267-468-0592)

Parent's Guide

Discipline Procedures

We have a positive discipline policy that uses redirection to encourage children to make better choices, and reinforces through praise and encouragement.

The following methods of discipline will be used:

  • Encourage children to solve problems themselves
  • Intervention and discussion
  • Re-direction to another play are.
  • Loss of privileges
  • Thinking Chair


Health Information

Each child is required to have health statement on file, which includes a record of up-to-date immunizations and the signature of the child’s source of medical care. If a child’s health care summary is not complete at the time of enrollment or within thirty(30)days after enrollment, the child will be not be eligible to participate until the necessary requirements for enrollment are met. The preschool must have on file for each child signed “Permission for Health Care” from the local hospital. Emergency numbers for reaching the parent/guardian and another authorized person must also be on file.


In the event of an emergency we will evacuate or shelter in place as necessary. If we evacuate the premises, we will begin contacting parents/guardians. If we are unable to reach you we will begin calling emergency contacts as specified on enrollment forms. If a minor accident/injury occurs, we will administer basic first aid. You will be advised of any incident and/or treatment provided. If emergency medical treatment is needed we will first call 911, then contact the parent/guardian.

Release Of A Child

We will only release a child to the parent or guardian. If an emergency arises, the parent must provide written and signed notification giving another person permission to pick up their child. We will ask for photo identification as confirmation. If a note is not presented, we will attempt to reach you. If we are unable to reach you we will not release your child

Change of Clothing

Each child should have an extra full set of clothing(pants, shirt, socks and underwear). Please make sure that the extra clothes are suitable for the season and still fit. Each piece of clothing should be clearly labeled with the child’s name.

Parent HAndbook

Read MORE about the general policies and procedures here at Yuong Sand Academy.


No major events this month.
- Parents please check KidsNote for any upcoming events/updates.

Snow Days:
-We will be following Hatboro-Horsham
school district on ANY delays, offs, early dismissals!

-We will be also sending out a
message for delays, offs, and early dismissals.