Red Class (3 years old)

red room (3 years old)

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About Our Red Room

Our nursery students are 3 year olds, and children of this age like to play and have a lot of exploration.

The program is well prepared for age and is taught based on the topic. Prepared for the age,

kids will learn independent life skills to be ready for preschool.

Red room is consisted of 21 curious kids, Mrs. Huh who embraces all our kids with motherly love, Mrs. Nah who makes our kids feel comfortable at school, Mrs. Yoo who fills our kids’ every need with careful attention and Mrs. Kim who has the many years of knowledge and experience here at Yuong Sang Academy.

Red room is mainly for preparing our kids for pre-K. Kids in our class are still young and make mistakes at times, but with the encouragement and compliment of our teachers, they are learning independency.

They are also learning God’s Wisdom through our daily worship as well as gaining knowledge through various playing and learning time.


What Can We Offer?

  • Daily Praise and Worship
  • Spacious and cozy classrooms
  • Excellent nutritional home-cooked meal
  • Safe and versatile indoor and outdoor playground
  • Various on-the-spot learning
  • Faithful and knowledgeable teachers
  • Bilingual (Korean & English) teachers for our 2nd generation children
  • Christian Education and Christian Curriculum

What Does Our Classroom Look Like?

Christmas Playlist (12 . 13)